Simply Together
A real-life guide to marital intimacy
with Miriam Davidson
Sound Familiar?
“Intimacy was great when we were newlyweds, but now, with the chaos of daily living, something’s gotten lost.”
“It feels like my husband and I are on different planets when it comes to this stuff. Plus, whenever one of us is in the mood, the other is too tired.”
“I just don’t enjoy intimacy at all, no matter what we try. I basically do it for my husband. Could it be that something’s wrong with me?”
“I can’t seem to keep distracting thoughts out of my head during intimacy. Help!”
“It takes me forever to get aroused. How can I speed things up a little?”
You're not alone.
Sexual intimacy is complex and deeply personal. Desires and needs fluctuate throughout married life, and the husband-wife relationship is constantly evolving. So intimacy is—understandably—an area we’re constantly grappling with.
…You’re having trouble getting aroused and/or feeling pleasure during intimacy.
…You feel there is information you’re missing, or questions you have.
…You learned about intimacy as a kallah, but now as a married woman—familiar with the strengths and struggles unique to your marriage—you are trying to put it into practice.
…You and your husband have such different needs when it comes to intimacy, and this is a source of tension.
…Your kids are growing up and moving out, and with less people at home, you and your husband would like to give more focus to your relationship.
Finding the balance
Jewish intimacy is a topic to be handled with immense respect: with openness and clarity in a context of modesty and sensitivity.
But it’s tricky.
On one hand this is a delicate topic not to be discussed freely with anyone and everyone.
On the other there is often so much misunderstanding and misinformation, and there are so many unanswered questions.
The good news?
This course is designed specifically with this fine balance in mind. It’s a safe, judgment-free space to explore intimacy from a hashkafic, physiological, and psychological lens, getting the clarity and personal tools you need.
Receive sensitive guidance from a professional who gets you, your lifestyle, and your dreams for loving connection.
Join couples from all over the world who have made real changes and are experiencing a deeper level of joy and closeness in their marriage.
In this course you will
All in a warm, sensitive, professional environment.
Who is the course for?
Growth-minded, frum, married women at any stage who are seeking clarity and tools to help them strengthen their connection with their husband (and themselves!) and make marital intimacy more fulfilling.
The 10-week course at a glance
WEEK 1 Soul ConnectionsInsights of Chazal on the holiness and centrality of Mitzvas Onah; the physical-emotional intimacy connection; a boost in our priorities and focus | WEEK 2 The Feminine Role in IntimacyFitting intimacy in to the picture of a Jewish woman’s daily life; lessons from our Imahos; a proactive, realistic approach |
WEEK 3 You Were Made for ThisAn open talk about sexual anatomy and response; the truth about women’s arousal and pleasure; understanding male-female differences in response | WEEK 4 Bridging the GapOvercoming different styles, preferences, and needs in intimacy; re-igniting the power of touch |
WEEK 5 Embracing DifferencesBoundaries that create more bonding potential; nurturing the “you” and the “me” within the “we” | WEEK 6 When Your Body Says “No”Addressing common obstacles to intimacy: hormones, pain, pregnancy/postpartum, low desire; practical concerns, practical tools |
WEEK 7 On Again, Off Again: Tools for transitionDealing with transitions in your intimate life: Niddah, Mikvah night, and the art of shifting gears and getting “in the mood” | WEEK 8 From "Dialogue" to Heart to HeartCreating pathways to discuss intimate issues and resolve conflict; the art of vulnerability; communication techniques that enhance emotional and physical intimacy |
WEEK 9 Creating a Culture of Healthy IntimacySafety and respect in intimacy; positive body image; teaching children healthy sexual attitudes | WEEK 10 Tending to the Spark: A nurtured marriageKeeping intimacy alive and healthy during the ups and downs of married life; nurturing the “relational space” so marriage can thrive; course conclusion |
More reviews
While listening to you I find myself thinking, how do you know exactly what I’m feeling?? I feel so validated, understood, and normal! We did the exercise you suggested last week, and it was amazing how much it opened things up for us. We learned so much about each other that we hadn't known before.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the format of the classes?
This course contains 10 classes + four Q&A classes. Each class is an hour and 15 minutes long.
As a bonus, you will receive short Q&A’s containing some FAQ’s along with classes 3-10.
Upon completing registration, you will receive a confirmation and then receive one class per week. The classes are Google Drive downloadable MP3 recordings so you can listen at your own pace.
I encourage you to pace yourself and listen to one class per week, since each one is packed with info and it’s helpful to give yourself time to process it.
Are there any visual materials accompanying the course?
Yes. At the start of the course you’ll receive a booklet containing the course outlines, diagrams and other visual material. You will also receive lists of the questions addressed in each Q&A.
What is the cost of the course?
The cost of the course is $450. Payment is due in full upon registration. If you’d like to pay in two installments, please contact me to arrange.
Do you have rabbinical backing?
I have the support and endorsement of HaRav Binyomin Moskovits, Shlita (Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Midrash Shmuel in Shaarei Chessed, Yerushalayim). Halachic / hashkafic shailos in my work are brought to Rabbi Dovid Broch, Shlita (Shaarei Chessed), and Rabbi Dovid Ostroff, Shlita (Har Nof).
In addition, my husband is a chosson teacher who trained under Rabbi Yitzchak Silver from Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, so I refer to his material as well.
Can I contact you with questions?
I welcome your feedback and questions, and value connecting with my students. Because I learned over time how integral questions are to the process, I’ve incorporated the FAQ’s as part of the basic course material.
The classes are structured to provide a solid base of knowledge and tools regarding the topic of intimacy. The Q&A’s are provided to supplement the curriculum and address the most commonly asked questions.
If after the completion of the course you feel you have unanswered questions, you may book a private appointment with me in person or over Zoom.
What ages and stages is this course for?
Women married anywhere from one month onward have benefited from this course. (One grateful participant recently said: “We’ve been married over 40 years but we’re currently in shanah rishona due to this course!”)
How is the content different from what I learned as a kallah?
This course is geared for the married woman who is dealing with the realities of married life. Even in the best of marriages, sexual intimacy needs constant reassessment and chizuk as you and your husband move through different stages.
If you are struggling, this course may help you understand practical or emotional blocks that are keeping you from having a healthy and satisfying intimate relationship—and what you can do about it.
I’m a kallah teacher. Will this course be helpful for me?
I’ve been privileged to teach a number of kallah teachers in my courses, and while this course is not an official training, they’ve shared with me how much it impacted them personally and enriched their work.
My friend took one of your previous courses. How is this one different?
Over time I’ve expanded the course to address many of the topics and FAQ’s more in-depth. It started as a 5-part course and as of November 2021 is now 10 parts. So while most of the subjects were covered in earlier courses, we spend more time on them and the classes are structured a bit differently.
I can’t decide if I should seek therapy or take this course. What do you suggest?
While education on this topic is an important foundation, this course is not a substitute for therapy if needed. Depending on your situation, it may be advisable for you to seek personalized guidance from an individual or couple therapist instead of education, which is geared for a broader audience.
If you’re unsure, feel free to contact me and I will weigh in.
There’s abuse in my marriage. Can your course help?
If there’s any kind of spousal abuse (emotional/ verbal/ physical) occurring in your marriage, you’re not alone, but do not sign up for this course. Instead, please seek professional support. You can call Shalom Taskforce at 1-800-799-SAFE(7233) or text “START” to 88788. In Israel, call Tahel at *2511.
My husband suffers from addiction / mental illness. Is this course for me?
This course may be helpful to you if he is receiving treatment. If you and/ or he are in therapy, I suggest you consult with your therapist about whether this course could help your particular situation.
If you and/ or he are not receiving treatment, I don’t recommend you taking this course. Please see how you can address the problem together or seek professional support for yourself in the meantime.
I’m a survivor of sexual trauma. Will this course be helpful for me?
Due to my experiences working with individuals impacted by sexual trauma, it’s my hope and intention that this course will provide a safe and trauma-sensitive learning space. However due to the sensitivity of this topic, anyone may find it triggering, particularly if you have any kind of trauma in your background.
Depending on where you are in your healing journey, this course may be helpful to you. If you are currently in therapy, please consult with your therapist and decide accordingly.
If you’ve never addressed your background, I encourage you to find a way to do so as a first step before learning about intimacy in this context.
My hope and prayer is that this course helps you,
at whatever stage you find yourself,
explore inroads to enhanced intimacy in your marriage.
If you have any further questions, feel free to email me.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Simply Together
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© 2024 Miriam Davidson. All rights reserved.